Missions and Outreach

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Our pastor, board of deacons and church family visit those in the hospital, nursing homes and shut-ins.  A time of fellowship and commuion are shared.

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Carpenter's Project

Our congregation supports The Carpenter's Project with our prayers, monetary donations and volunteers. 

The Carpenter's Project is an intergenerational Christian mission program located in Ellwood Cit...y, PA.  With the purpose of assisting homeowners with minor repairs, approximately 200 volunteers (many are youth) from about 20 churches work for one week in July.  In addition to the uniqueness of many churches working together, there is no charge to the homeowners for the work done. In 11 years, this project has helped over 500 people in the communities of Ellwood City and Riverside School Districts.  Over 800 individual home repair projects have been completed.  Approximately 35 handicap ramps have been built.  Over 25 churches have been represented, and 12 churches are actively represented on worksites.


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Christmas Shining Star Gifts

     "Shining Stars" is the theme of a Christmas program sponsored by Holy Redeemer/Ministerium Social Services to provide meals, wearing apparel and toys to individuals and families throughout the area.

     A tree featuring thirty stars bearing requests for items was on display in the narthex.  Each star listed a toy or clothing size for a boy or girl of a certain age.  The wrapped gifts will be distributed to the children of our area.

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Sanctuary Jazz Band

Our building serves as the home of The Sanctuary Jazz Band.  Members of the community join on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. to join together in music.  The band has played at the Festival in the Park in Ewing Park, nursing homes, graduation parties, special occasions and at church.  Plans are being made to play at a "Spring Fling".  Musicians are invited to come on a Thursday evening and join in!